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10 min read
Covid Blog
By Lea Weaver I began recording this progress as a series of Facebook entries for my own benefit, as something to do while I was sick....

3 min read
I Dream of Dali
It was the evening before we were to visit the Dali Museum at Figueres. We had booked into the lovely Ronda hotel, and after dinner and...

3 min read
Sit down before you read this
Have you heard the saying ‘Sitting is the new smoking’? If not, read ‘The dangers of sitting: why sitting is the new smoking’/ Victoria...

2 min read
Scaring the news
Good news doesn't sell. Bad news does. Perhaps it’s the primeval impulse to protect ourselves that alerts us to stories of fear and...

3 min read
The beauty of snails
Patricia Highsmith, one of my favourite authors kept snails as pets. They lived in a glass tank and she travelled all over the world with...

3 min read
Intermittent Explosive Disorder: An introduction to grumpiness
Intermittent Explosive Disorder or IED, as distinct from the more famous IUD, is a psychological condition, not a contraceptive device. ...

3 min read
Encounters with Melbourne's down and outers
As a newly married young woman I found myself living in Carlton with little to do to amuse myself. I had given up the wild life to be...

3 min read
The Stendhal effect
On attending the Wheeler Centre to hear Barry Jones reflect on his life, I was struck by his mention of the Stendhal (or Florence)...

2 min read
Youth studies wisdom, old age practices it
Thirty years ago I was an English teacher at an eastern suburbs high school. The students were generally a conscientious and pleasant...
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